Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So today we had a ultrasound done to see how the baby is growing and make sure everything is okay! Everything is going great! So my appt. was at 12:30 and we waited about 5 mins before they called me back. Taras can't come in till it is over with, so he waited outside. So she is doing the ultrasound and the baby is moving all over the place she was having a hard time getting some pictures and seeing if everything was good! Active little one! So I was in there for about 45 mins and then she went and got Taras. He comes in and she is showing us the baby and we are looking trying to see what it is, cause they can't tell you. You have to go to Winnipeg (it's the capital & it's bigger and about 2 hrs from us) so she says oh look the baby is opening it's legs and me and Taras are trying are hardest to see what it is. I'm sure our eyes were popping out of our head! But we couldn't tell she moved it away! But we saw everything else the head, hands, feet, bum, spine, heart, stomach and face so cute!! The heart beat was 152 so that is good!! So we are walking out and Taras is like I thought something was wrong I was texting you (as if I'm going to have my phone on me) he said you were in there for so long, which I'm not but this time it was someone different and she wanted to make sure everything was good! He was getting a little worried which you can't blame the guy! So all is well we wont find out for a couple of more weeks and I'm dieing to know what it is!!


Maria said...

So cool!! I can't wait to hear if it is a boy or girl. It would kill me if I had to wait as long as you do up there! I went to Fetal Studio the day I was far enough along to find out. Keep us posted!

shauna snow said...

Hi Sista!!! I am so happy that everything looked great and went well!! Poor guy! Why do they make him wait? Til there done with what? I'm glad Taras got to go with you today and it was nice to know that you guys had a good time together just the two of you while Brady stayed home with grandma!! It's nice to be able to just be with your hubby since it's so far and few apart since having a child!! I am way excited to be an auntie again!! Hopefully soon I can make you an auntie!!! We hope and pray!!! Love you sister,taras,brady,bauer!!!

ciara said...

It would have killed me to have not found out asap if it's a boy or girl. CONGRATS!! on another lil one. I love that you named him Brady.

JulesandBriPoulson said...

Oh I can't believe you couldn't tell. I would be dying to find out too. (You could always try the drano test.) Most important it is great to know that baby looks good. Healthy is all that matters! You are such a cute mom. I hope you are doing good with this pregnancy.

The Davidson's said...

Thats weird that the techs aren't allowed to tell you what it is that you have to go to another place. Is that your doctor or just how the system works there?? I am excited to see what your having you are such a great mom and have a way cute family.

Ryan and Trudi said...

Your family is super cute! I gave Heidi a facial and she told me that you were on Facebook, so I had to look you up. I'm glad that we will get to see each others families.