So awhile ago Brady fell asleep in his highchair for the 1st time! It was so cute! HE was so tired but at the same time hungry! His little head kept bouncing around and then finally he went! So as he's sleeping I was cleaning him off. I get ready to take him out and he starts eating again, it was so funny. His little hand went back in the bowl then in his mouth as he is still some what sleeping! He has done this twice now! And the funny thing is, that my mom had asked me along time ago if he has fallen asleep in his highchair and I said no. She said well it wont be long! And sure enough he did! Too cute!

Brady is so adorable!! It is funny how they can be so tired sometimes that is doesn't seem to matter where they are or what is going on!!:)
How cute is that!?! I love it! I don't think he could be any cuterr :)
He is so adorable!! I just love my little nephew!!! So sweet!! I'm sad I miss out on alot of things!! But thank goodness for blogs, emails and webcams!!Love you lots!
Brady is a doll! Thanks for helping with Brooke to get Shauna's blog up. She was a late blogger like me. It's fun to watch Brady grow through Shauna's cute scrapbooking of him. That is one loved little boy:)
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