Wednesday, October 22, 2008
So today we had a ultrasound done to see how the baby is growing and make sure everything is okay! Everything is going great! So my appt. was at 12:30 and we waited about 5 mins before they called me back. Taras can't come in till it is over with, so he waited outside. So she is doing the ultrasound and the baby is moving all over the place she was having a hard time getting some pictures and seeing if everything was good! Active little one! So I was in there for about 45 mins and then she went and got Taras. He comes in and she is showing us the baby and we are looking trying to see what it is, cause they can't tell you. You have to go to Winnipeg (it's the capital & it's bigger and about 2 hrs from us) so she says oh look the baby is opening it's legs and me and Taras are trying are hardest to see what it is. I'm sure our eyes were popping out of our head! But we couldn't tell she moved it away! But we saw everything else the head, hands, feet, bum, spine, heart, stomach and face so cute!! The heart beat was 152 so that is good!! So we are walking out and Taras is like I thought something was wrong I was texting you (as if I'm going to have my phone on me) he said you were in there for so long, which I'm not but this time it was someone different and she wanted to make sure everything was good! He was getting a little worried which you can't blame the guy! So all is well we wont find out for a couple of more weeks and I'm dieing to know what it is!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
So I finally took Brady to the pumpkin patch today!! I had been wanting to take him for awhile, but it's only open on weekends and the weather hasn't been the best or something else was going on! Dad was busy working so we went with Aunty Tasha and Grandma Turko! We had a good day! There was so much stuff to do, they had a corn maze, zip line, tractor ride, animals to pet, bales to climb on and a little maze for the younger kids! The had a little haunted house you name it they had it! So Brady really didn't care about picking out his pumpkin all he wanted to do was go back and see the animals! They had two calves, donkeys, bunnies, goats, a pig, ducks and chickens! His favorite was the PIG! He just loved it! He would pet it and then go to see the other animals and then go back to the pig!! I couldn't get him away from it, I had to carry him to go do something else or we would have been there ALL DAY! We went through the corn maze and over to climb on the bales we even tried picking out a pumpkin but he was always off to see that crazy pig! We were laughing so hard, it was like it didn't matter who was standing there he got right in there as if that was his pig! He loves tractor's as it is and they had this little one there that pulled these carts behind it for the kids to go for a ride and when he saw the that tractor go he was off and following it! It was so funny!! It was a good day and I'm glad we finally went! Can't wait till next year!! Here are some pic.....enjoy =)

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Brady sleeping...
So awhile ago Brady fell asleep in his highchair for the 1st time! It was so cute! HE was so tired but at the same time hungry! His little head kept bouncing around and then finally he went! So as he's sleeping I was cleaning him off. I get ready to take him out and he starts eating again, it was so funny. His little hand went back in the bowl then in his mouth as he is still some what sleeping! He has done this twice now! And the funny thing is, that my mom had asked me along time ago if he has fallen asleep in his highchair and I said no. She said well it wont be long! And sure enough he did! Too cute!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Doctors Appt...
So yesterday I had a Doctors appt. Everything is going great! The baby's heart rate is 140 so that is awesome!! And I am doing good!! The only thing is that my due date has been moved UP!!! YEP baby is coming sooner not that much sooner!! My new due date is March 1st, so eight days earlier!! So now we just have to wait! I go for another ultrasound on the 22nd to make sure the baby is growing and that everything is okay! And then we will go back and have another one when I'm around 24 weeks so see what we are having? They don't like to do it till around then so we will have to wait! =)
Friday, October 3, 2008
The end of Harvest
So we finished Harvest on the 1st of October! YAY!!! This was a late year for us...with all the rain we had, but we got the crop off and it was great!! We had 5 combines in the field that night, two of them were ours (the yellow ones) and the other 3 were friends of ours helping us out! We had a big dinner in the field be in the last day of harvest and it was also Auntie Tasha's b-day (taras' sister) It was fun! Brady loves going out to the field and going in the combine with daddy!! There was a lot of people out there it was a fun night!! Now that harvest is over, Taras is off to the fertilizer shed for the season....he'll be there for about a month or so, so we wont see much of him but it's good cause we can go and see him!! I usually work there with him, but now that I'm a stay at home mom I help out when I can. Usually book work things like that! I will be glad when it's all over and he'll be at home with us! Brady get so excited to see him, it's so darn cute. He is at that age where he wants to go with his daddy and when taras leaves he get mad & sad that he can't go! Almost buddy, when he is a little bit older he will be able to go! Here are a few pic of harvest!!

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