So last Sunday we made a gingerbread house!! Brady really liked it! He liked the icing the best...he would keep putting his finger out for more! He had icing everywhere!! Then he was eating all the candies and we would tell him to put them on the house!! HE DID!! He did a good job!! It was a fun night, Brady got messy but that is the fun part about it! To see what he does!! We were laughing so hard cause it's not the best gingerbread house but it was FUN!!

Here we are making rice krispies!! Brady is such a big helper! He loves to help his mom and dad! It was cute he was stirring them and then eating them off the spoon! We were laughing so hard......he LOVES his rice krispies!! He is at a fun age where he can help out!!!! He is already 15 months and I can't believe it!!

The gingerbread house turned out so cute!! You are brave to do something like that with a 15 month old!! I need to be more brave:)
What a great mom you are!! I don't even do that stuff with my older kids. You are way brave to do that with a 15 month old! He's getting so big I can't believe how fast time goes. The Christmas card is adorable by the way. Thank you!!
I did the same house with my 2 yr old! It was way more fun for them to eat the frosting and candies than to actually put them on the house, lol. your son is so cute and you look great. Hope your family has happy holidays!!
Just stopped by to say hope you have a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna
congrats on the boy!! i've been out of the blogging loop for a while...very busy with 2- you'll see soon enough!!;) love all the pics- especially with the cows! i would love to live on a farm!
ps your countdown to christmas timer is killing me- haven't recovered from this xmas let alone enough to think of next years, but i can tell you LOVE christmas with all your darling decorations!
Manda, I can't believe how big Brady is. =( I haven't seen him since he was a baby. When are you due with the new one??
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