We went to the Hogle Zoo and rode the Train my Grandpa use to drive!

Auntie Shauna, Uncle Bubba, Me and Brady, Grandma and Great Grandma!

Grandpa and Brady!

On the Carousel Brady loved it!

Uncle Bubba and Brady!

Auntie Shauna and Brady at Grandma's & Grandpa's
We went swimming with the fam up at Snowbird......
he loved it!!
Brady eating watermelon at Auntie Shauna's & Uncle Ryan's
Uncle Bubba feeding Brady he's such a good Uncle!

Auntie Shauna & Uncle Ryan got this cute froggie pool

for Brady he loved it! Thanks guys =)

At Grandma's & Grandpa's Brady is feeding

himself! He is such a big boy!

All done! What a good eater!

For the 4th of July we went to the murray parade

Brady loved it he sat in his chair and watched it and

waved his flag it was so cute!

He was so amazed with all the floats!

After the parade we went back to Auntie Shauna's & Uncle Ryan's House for a BBQ and we played Wii outside it was so fun and the food was sooooo good! It was a great 4th of July!

Brady found Auntie's tupper ware.....

he sure does love it!

The BBQ at Auntie and Uncle's House the Family!

The men or should I say boys!
Playing golf at grandma's & grandpa's....
yep he found the stairs....he loves em'
he loves his Uncle Ryan.....and the lap top too!
So the last night we were in SL we went to Granny's for dinner and Auntie Shauna gave Brady his 1st hair cut! He was such a good boy! He just sat there and played! He sure did have an audience!
He did so good! What a little trupper!
almost done....
YAY...he did it! What a handsome little tike! Thanks Auntie! I love you =)
1 comment:
Those pictures are so cute of Brady! That was so fun that you could come to SL. It was good to see you! That is horrible about your basement!:( I can't imagine having to come home to that!! It sounds like you at least didn't lose too much..
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