Brady is walking!! HE has been for about a month now and he's EVERYWHERE!! He loves it! He keeps me on my toes! It is sooo fun! He has changed so much! I can't believe he is going to be one on the 12th! I really don't know where the time went! So we started combining a couple of days ago ( for those of you who don't know what that's where they take the crop off the field, wheat, barley etc.) I have some pictures I will post! We take the guys dinner and eat in the field it's fun, but towards the end we are tired of cooking! Brady loved it! It was his second Harvest last year he was just a new born, and now he is walking all over the field after Daddy! He was playing with his dads tools and got sooo dirty! He loved it!! It was sooo cute!!

A couple of weeks ago we went to clear lake and camped! It was sooo fun! Taras' Mom & Dad where up there at there cabin, so we had a great time! We went swimming and Brady loved it, what doesn't he love! He loves the water he kept going back to go in! We tried to build a sand castle but it didn't happen haha......we tell him to kick his feet and he does it as fast as he can, soooo cute! We were there for 4 days and it was good to get away before dad was busy with Harvest! So I think that is all for now!
Congratulations! I can't wait to hear what you are having!! Brady is getting sooo big! It's always fun to be able to see the cute pics!
AHHHH! I am so excited for you and your family! Soon a family of FOUR!! Brady is as cute as ever! I hope you are doing good!
CONGRATS!! That is so exciting!! I'm happy for you guys. Brady is super cute and getting so big :)
Congrats Manda that is so fun.... your babies will all be just so adorable!!!
Hey Amanda, it's Shea Kougioulis Thurman. I think I left you a comment awhile ago, but We just started a blog. Congrats on the up coming baby. so fun. We have four boys, the first two are 17 months apart, then 16 months. we love having them close they get alone and play so well.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'll bet Brady will make a great big brother! What are you hoping for? Another boy or a girl?
Hey congrats on the baby news!! So exciting for your family. Good luck with everything and continue to post updates! Brady will be a great older brother!
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