Today is a hard day for me and my family, 5 years ago we lost our Brittany. She is my sister and my best friend, we did everything together. I swear we couldn't even walk out of the house without each other! She was killed in a car accident, and that was the worse day of my life. I can still see the highway patrol walking across the street and the look on my moms face when they said she has been killed. That was and is the hardest thing I have ever been through. Brittany was the best, she was there for everyone. She always had a smile on her face and made everyone laugh! She is the youngest out of us four kids and she was the strongest! There is a piece of the puzzle that is missing and it will never be replace. When she walked into a room she made everyone smile! She is beautiful inside and out, smart, funny she was and is the best!! If she had something to say she would! She could not wait to turn 21 and she was just 19 when she past away. I always wonder what you would be doing today? Would you be married, have kids or be single the way you wanted it?! Things would be so different if you were here. I think of you all the time, not a day goes by where I don't think of what you would be doing? Not only did I lose my sister but I lost my best friend!! I wish you were here and I love and miss you so much! I can't wait till I can see you and give you the biggest HUG! If there is one thing I could do, it would be to see your face and that smile and tell you I love you, just to tell you thanks for always being there and everything you did for me, to let you know you are the best! Brady will grow up knowing who his aunty is!! Don't worry I will tell him stories about you, you will be a big part in his life! You could not wait to be a aunty well now you are!! He has an angel watching over him!! We all do!! We all love and miss you so much! Things are not the same without our Britters!
We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday and days before that too. We thought of you in silence, we often speak your name. All we have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake, with which we'll never part. God has you in his keeping. We have you in our HEARTS!! We love you and miss your beautiful smile that you gave to us everyday! I love you Britt!!!
Those are wonderful memories to have and a gorgeous picture to remember her with!!! I never knew her but feel like I do from the things I have heard about her from Shauna! It's wonderful knowing that you will see her again one day!!!
Oh Manda, you have me bawling uncontrollably right now. How bad I want to hug you! I hope you know how much we all love and miss you. Especially on days like this. =) Can't wait to see your face soon.
I miss her so much it's hard to believe it's been 5 years. I remember when we would be boating, as soon as she heard the motor turn off she was in the water, even if the boat was still moving...NO FEAR!! When we were at fish lake, she jumped in & it was ICE COLD, all she could do was move her hands and legs as fast as she could! I leaned over and grabed her! One day she came to me and said she was going to take Hunter Saftey Class, she takes the 22 riffle and shoots it and then she has her certificate! I was thinking alright another hunting partner...but oh no she just did it to do it! That was Britt...our rugers! I love & miss you Love Dad =)
It has been a long time! I am glad you found me :) Yes, I am pregnant with a little girl who we are naming after Britt...we are naming her Kensie Joy. She isn't due until Aug. 28 but I have been having some complications. We almost thought she was going to come yesterday (how ironic would that have been) but we have been able to get the contractions to slow down. So hopefully I can keep her inside as long as possible. I absolutely loved what you wrote about Britt. She is lucky to have such an amazing sister. I visit her grave quite a bit since it is so close to my work. I can't believe it has been 5 years... By the way, your little guy Brady is absolutely ADORABLE!! Oh my gosh he is cute :)
I was reading what your dad wrote and automatically thought when she ran you over in Lake Powell, LOL! She was so much fun and such a good friend, I miss her so much. She could be the bigest brat but she was so funny about it. I wish she was here to see Brady and Kade grow up. I will never forget those summer school days and the good old tic tac with all of us.
amanda, this post is so beautiful and so sad all at once. i wish that i had known your sister, and i feel so blessed to learn about her through you. thank you for sharing your memories with us. we love you!!!!!
Ohh...your post made me cry! I can't believe it has been 5 years. I miss Britters so much but I'm glad I at least have so many good memories to remember her by as I'm sure you are! Hope you & your family are doing well. I haven't seen Shauna in ages! I'm glad you're coming into town soon I would love to meet your adorable little guy : )
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