So the other day Brady decided to climb the stairs! Yes I know.....I was vacuuming the rug in front of the front door and when I turned around he was already up two heart dropped! Luckily the stairs are right by the front door! So I turned off the vacuum and said BRADY....he turned and looked at me with a smile and continued on climbing!
I followed him up the rest of the way! HE did it all by himself! I was shocked but at the same time not! HE is our little monkey he gets into everything! He is off and exploring something new everyday! It's sooo fun to see what he will be doing Next!
At the top!! LOOK I did it!!

So the other day we were talking to aunty shauna on the web cam and Brady was chewing on daddy's drink (beer) and aunty shauna was like TARAS don't let him do that!! It was soo funny she thought the can was open! We were laughing so hard! Sorry the can was NOT open aunty!! hehehe But we sure do love her! She is a great aunty and always looking after Brady, he is very lucky =)

he is so dam cute!!! He is so handsome, boy am I proud to be his aunty! Thanks for the post, aunty will always be protective of my cute nephew!! I am so proud of him and love him so much!! Can't wait to see him and you guys!! Hey sis, you do an amazing job on this blog thing!!love you!!
your sis
Hey Amanda its good to "see" you. You look like life is going very well. And your little guy is so stinkin cute. Its good to see old friends so happy.
I agree, doesn't get much better than Aunt Shawna. =)
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