So last Sunday we made a gingerbread house!! Brady really liked it! He liked the icing the best...he would keep putting his finger out for more! He had icing everywhere!! Then he was eating all the candies and we would tell him to put them on the house!! HE DID!! He did a good job!! It was a fun night, Brady got messy but that is the fun part about it! To see what he does!! We were laughing so hard cause it's not the best gingerbread house but it was FUN!!

Here we are making rice krispies!! Brady is such a big helper! He loves to help his mom and dad! It was cute he was stirring them and then eating them off the spoon! We were laughing so hard......he LOVES his rice krispies!! He is at a fun age where he can help out!!!! He is already 15 months and I can't believe it!!