Easten was two weeks on Monday...I can't believe it! The time goes by so fast, I don't know where it goes! He is a great baby!! He is sleeping 4-5 hours at night and it great during the day! Brady still loves his baby brother, if Easten is in his swing Brady always goes up to him and gives him kisses....it's so cute! If Easten makes a noise Brady is right there by him, making sure he is OK...what a great big brother! I could not ask for better and cuter boys!! I had some pictures taken of they boys together. I don't have them back yet, but I do have two pictures of Easten! They turned out so cute!! Thanks Tami!!

Brady is such a big boy now!! He is a big helper to mommy!! He loves to vacuum, and when he spills anything he runs and gets a towel to wipe it up!! He has been in his big boy bed since January (I just haven't gotten around to posting it) and he LOVES IT!! Still a great sleeper!! He is now out of the high chair and at the table with us!! He likes this much better! He was always standing up in his high chair and we were like ok enough of this!! He does much better on his new seat!! So it has been storming here like crazy and we are calving and Taras leaves early to go out and check on them. So he left around 7:30 and the boys were still sleeping!! Around 8:30 I wake up to mom, mom, mom! Here is Brady standing by our bed! I was like what the H*$$....how did he get out of his room? I don't know if Taras didn't close his door all the way or if he is standing on his book shelve to open it, cause it is right by the door! This is the second time he has done this! I know he can't open the door he can't really reach to open it YET! So we will see!!
Brady taking his nap!!
Easton is so big!!! Those pictures turned out so cute of him! Brady sounds like he is enjoying being a big brother!! The picture of Brady looking at the book in his bed is so cute, all grown up now!!:)
Isn't it crazy how much older they seem when you have a baby. They all of the sudden use big kid stuff!! I love the new pics of Easton...they both are so dang cute!
Such cute pictures of your boys! I still can't get over how grown up Brady is. I still picture Cole as my little baby. It's amazing what a new little one will do.
Those are the cutest pics of my little nephews!!! Easten looks so cute in that shirt that becca gave him, so cute!! i can't believe how big he is already!!! He is such a handsome little boy. Brady is so cute, thanks for posting pics finally of him and his big boy bed, and that cool little mat that you put on the table under his food when he eats is pretty cool. He is so cute, he is getting bigger every day and changing so much, its so sad that i don't get to see him or easten that often, i miss out on so much. They butched his hair when they cut it, it makes him look so much older than he is... it's sad.... I am a very proud auntie, i couldn't ask for two better looking and great nephews!!!I love you Brady and Easten!!!Can't wait to see you...Thanks sister! Love you and miss you!!
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